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Sunshine State Games 2016

Published on 6/14/2016

720 Round

Mackenzie DiGiacomo               Bowman Recurve                                           602             Champion + State Record

Ken Jones                                     Compound Release                                      614             Champion

Edwin Reyes                                 Cub  Recurve                                                 507             Champion

Jay Siegel                                      Compound Release                                      593             2nd Place                                          


3D Round

Mackenzie DiGiacomo                 Freestyle Limited Recurve Youth              235             Champion

Ramon Reyes                                Freestyle Limited Recurve Adult               185             Champion

Edwin Reyes                                  Freestyle Limited Recurve Youth              222             Champion


900 Round

Tatyana Muntyan                        Olympic Recurve Adult                                  826             Champion + State Record

Ken Jones                                   Freestyle Compound Master Senior           862             Champion

Jerome Spielmann                     Oylmpic Recurve Adult                                 795             2nd Place

Don Planthaber                           Olympic Recurve Silver Senior                    673             Champion

Jay Siegel                                    Freestyle Compound Silver Senior             837             3rd Place

Ramon and Edwin Reyes                                                                                             Mackenzie DiGiacomo